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Speed Meets Efficiency: Unlock Potential with our Rapid Deployment Solutions

How does it work?

We streamline the implementation of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and HREX , making it
quick and straightforward for small businesses.

You can go live in as little as one week.


We configure your system to industry best practices.

Data Import

We upload your data based on templates we’ll send you.


We train you on the modules you’ll use from the beginning.


Are you prepared to go? Conduct a test to ensure that everything is functioning properly.


You are active and ready to go, with support ready and waiting for whenever you require assistance.

BasicCore BusinessBusiness ConnectBusiness ProElite
Dynamics BC Starter
HREX Premium +
Dynamics BC Starter +
Dynamics CRM Professional
Microsoft 365Business BasicBusiness PremiumBusiness PremiumBusiness PremiumBusiness Premium
Azure Workshop
With IT Outsourcing Services

Adhoc & Customisation Hours
Data Migration
Pack 150 Hours
Pack 2100 Hours
Pack 3250 Hours
Pack 4500 Hours

Support Tier Pricelist


1x support calls per month

5x break/ fix calls per year


1- 3 full ERP users

2x support calls per month

Unlimited break/ fix calls

Annual business review


3-10 full ERP users

3x support calls per month

Unlimited break/ fix & How-To calls

1 Day of free consulting/ training per quarter

Bi-annual business reviews


10-20 full ERP users

4x support calls per month

Unlimited break/ fix & How-To calls

2 Days of free consulting/ training per quarter

Quarterly business reviews

Custom Support Plan

Unlimited Number of Users

Unlimited Support Calls

  • 1. Accounting

  • - Chart of Account.
  • - Tax / VAT Setup + Declaration.
  • - Map Accounts to COA BS.
  • - General Ledger.
  • - Accounting Journals.
  • - Currency (LCY).

  • 2. Reports

  • Financial Reports:
  • - Balance Sheet.
  • - Income Statement.
  • - P&L.

  • Basic Acc Rep Set:
  • - Trial Balance.
  • - Statement of account.
  • - GL Register.
  • - Cash Receipt.
  • - Payment Voucher.

  • 3. Cash Management

  • - Bank Accounts.
  • - Receivable - Payables Buffer.
  • - Statement & Trial Balance.

  • 4. Receivables

  • - Customers.
  • - Customer Invoices & Collection Aging.
  • - Statement & Trial Balance.

  • 5. Payables

  • - Vendor.
  • - Vendor Invoice & Payment Aging.
  • - Statement & Trial Balance.

  • 6. Planning & Go Live

  • - Training & Go Live Support.

  • 1. Accounting

  • - Currency (ACY + Multi).

  • 2. Reports

  • - Cash Flow.

  • 6. Sales

  • - Customer Price Groups.
  • - Sales Prices.
  • - Customer Invoice / Item Discount.
  • - Sales Invoice / Credit Note.
  • - Recurring Sale Line.
  • - Special Order (Order Template).

  • 3. Cash Management

  • - Bank Reconciliation.

  • 4. Receivables

  • - Recurring Sales Invoices.

  • 7. Planning & Go Live

  • - Training & Go Live Support.

  • 5. Procurement

  • - Vendor Purchase Prices.
  • - Vendor Invoice & Item Discount.
  • - Purchase Invoice / Credit Note.
  • - Recurring Purchase Line.
  • - Special Order (Order Template).

  • 1. Inventory

  • - Integration with GL.
  • - Integrate Expect Cost with GL.
  • - Inventory Period Definition & Lock.
  • - Service Items*.
  • - Categories.
  • - Locations (Only One).
  • - Costing Method and Valuation.
  • - Item Master Migration.
  • - Inventory Opening Migration.
  • - Price / Discount Group.
  • - Tax Grouping.
  • - Tariff No.
  • - Inventory Ledger.
  • - Stock Value Breakdown.
  • - Stock Adjustment.
  • - Cycle Count.

  • 2. Procurement

  • - Purchase Order + Receiving Process.
  • - Purchase Return Order + Ship Process.

  • 3. Sales

  • - Purchase Order + Receiving Process.
  • - Purchase Return Order + Ship Process.

  • 1. Inventory

  • - Inventory Items *.
  • - Locations (Multiple).
  • - Item Reclassification Journals.
  • - Variants.
  • - Item Attributes.
  • - Stock Keeping Unit.
  • - Item Reservation.
  • - S/N & Lot Tracking.
  • - Whose Tracking by Lot.
  • - Expiration & Warranty Date.
  • - BOM & Assembly.
  • - Auto Assemble on Sales Delivery.
  • - Purch / Sales Discount.
  • - Extended Text.
  • - Item Substitution.
  • - Item Charges / Freights.
  • - Inter Location Transfer.
  • - Drop Shipment.
  • - Multiple UOM.

  • 2. Procurement

  • - Exact Cost Reversing.
  • - Drop Shipment.

  • 3. Sales

  • - Exact Cost Reversing.
  • - Drop Shipment.

  • 1. Finance & Reporting

  • - Budget.
  • - Dimensions and Dimensions Values.
  • (Global & Shortcut).
  • - Analysis by Dimension.
  • - Budget V/S Actual Analysis.
  • - Advanced Financial Reports.

  • 2. Multi Company

  • - Intercompany Items.
  • - Financial Consolidation.

  • 3. Inventory
  • - Map Location to Dimension.


Rapid Delivery Deployment
Lifecycle for a complete solution

Week 1


& Planning

Days 1-2:
Initial Assessment and Scope Definition.

Days 3-4:
Resource Allocation and Team Setup.

Day 5:
Finalise Deployment Strategy.

Week 2


& Pre-Deployment

Days 1-3:
Pre-Deployment Testing.

Days 4-5:
Training & Documentation.

Week 3


& Monitoring

Day 1:
Initial Deployment

Day 2-4:
Monitoring and Adjustment

Day 5:
User Feedback and Additional Training

Week 4


& Review

Day 1-2:
Comprehensive Monitoring

Day 3-4:
Post-Deployment Support and Maintenance

Day 5:
Final Review and Reporting

Innovation in Action:
Register for a Demo Now!


Proud To Be Partners

For over 10+ years, our Digital Transformation company has earned the trust of an ever-growing number of clients. Our products’ flexibility, and ability to scale up, allow tailor-made solutions for your future challenges.